We are working hard to release a german version of the website by the end of this month. We have started with landing page, main menu and checkout process. Updates soon!

0-30dB 6 step toggle switch 2W attenuator, for laboratory usage and not only. Deisgned with robustness in mind, it features a 0.4dB typ. insertion loss , 0.4db typ. accuracy, with excellent return loss.

5th order laboratory low pass filter, completely shielded, for D.C. to 52MHz with typ. insertion loss 0.15dB, -33dB typ. RL and 0.65dB typ. pass band ripple.

We are proud to announce that roWaves will edit a monthly electronics magazine with quality content in RF electronics and amateur radio topics.

0.25 to 220MHz professional class-A ultrabroadband laboratory amplifier, with a typ. gain of 22dB and IMD3 up to -70dBc. 2nd harmonic reaching -65dBc and 3rd harmonic -57dBc typ.